When it comes to your auto insurance, do you just purchase the first policy you are offered–ensuring you have the coverage you need so you don’t break any laws? If you do this, you may be missing out of some important types of coverage–or purchasing coverage you do not need.
Working with an auto insurance specialist will help you determine exactly what you do need. For instance, did you know that if your car is older, you may not need full coverage anymore? Additionally, if your car is owned by the bank, you may be required to carry additional coverage. Finally, if your car has certain features like anti-lock brakes and airbags, you may save money on your insurance rates. Understanding these options will help you know what your choices are for insurance.
If you live or work in the Colleyville Texas area, call us at The Schwab Agency and let one of our experts work with you. We are auto insurance experts who will do everything we can to get you the coverage you need.