Many motorists fail to realize that many of their life decisions and actions affect their auto insurance premium. Despite popular belief, your auto insurance premium is not a stagnant number. While you may be aware of the very common situations that affect your auto insurance premium there may be others you are unaware of, including:
- New job? You just received the promotion of a lifetime and could not be more excited. Before you let the excitement of a promotion take over, it is important that you think about the insurance implications. Will your commute now be longer? Will you be forced to use your car for business use? If you now fall in the higher-mileage category, you can expect to see an increase in your premium. Likewise, if you will not be using your car to conduct work, you may be required to take on additional liability coverage in order to receive coverage.
- New home? Depending on where you are moving to, you may be subject to a premium increase. This will be dependent on the crime rates of your new neighborhood and a variety of other factors.
- Declining credit score? If you have recently acted in a way that resulted in a decline of your credit score, you can expect an increase in your auto insurance premium.
- Marriage? Divorce? If your marital status changes, your insurance company will take these new changes into consideration when determining your auto insurance premium.
- Retiring? Typically, insurance companies will decrease how much you pay for auto insurance once you retire. Since you will likely only be driving for pleasure, you are not viewed as much of a risk.
Contact The Schwab Agency for all of your Colleyville, Texas auto insurance needs. We can help you determine how your life changes will affect how much you pay for auto insurance each month, and provide you with discounts to subside the changes.