Starting a small business requires a great deal of time as well as financial and other resources. In the process of building the business, many small business owners overlook or delay the creation of a disaster plan for their business. That can be a huge and costly mistake. The Institute for Business and Home Safety reports that one-fourth of all businesses damaged by any type of major disaster never reopen. Simply put, it pays to be proactive.
Begin by assessing your businesses’ susceptibility to all types of risks, including natural disasters. That should help you create an emergency management plan which lays out the process for operating in the wake of a natural disaster. You should also find ways to secure your company’s financial and tax records; information therein can assist you with filing a claim through your insurance agency or in applying for a disaster relief loan to get your company back on track. Depending on the nature of your business, any environmental hazards that may have occurred as a result of the disaster have to be reported to the appropriate agencies; this information should be included in your disaster plan and recovery process.
For over twenty years, business owners in Texas have come to trust the experienced professionals at The Schwab Agency for all their business insurance needs. The Schwab Agency works with top carriers to find the best coverage options for you, your family and your business. Listen, you’ve worked hard to build a successful business–shouldn’t you protect it? For a no-obligation quote, contact The Schwab Agency today.